6:37 PM |

ARGH FINALLY!!!!! i finally managed to penetrate into my blog. turns out i can't post because of a wrong email i have been using to sign in. -.- SO MANY THINGS HAVE HAPPPENED IN THE PAST MONTH!

i didn't fail my piano exam. HAHA! i literally just passed. it's so crappy considering how much i have been practising. it's just that i was damn nervous during that godforsaken day.

i guess 2 of the saddest things that have happened to me so far are; 1. i have totally stopped contacting yj already, or rather, he has totally stopped contacting me. haiz. miss talking to him on the phone. 2. i will have no more trainings for the rest of my life. it has only been 2 weeks and i already miss ping pong like crazy!!!! >< argh. life is different without fun and focus. the satisfaction that you derive after a good, hard training is something that only passionate sportsmen are able to appreciate.

life is getting crazier, with studies and everything.

nicolat is in army. haha!:DD hope he would be able to make it through without dying. the name of his company is company. -.- haha!

i miss marcus! jasmine! tiara! and nicolat!:((
