4:57 PM | 0 comments

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wenjie: haha updating now!:DD

joei: whateverrr!

tiara: HAHA!:DD the company is army the company leh!

whee! time for another update!:)) the sakae buffet was great! i love jap food!

i am getting angrier and angrier with a certain someone anyway. it is so apparent that you do not put in enough effort. if you are not going to make ab effort in our friendship, so am i. so don't bet on it.

anyway nicolat is back from BMT! HAHA CONGRATS!:DD

whoa. i cannot update any more. the teacher is here!


sakae outing!:))
10:13 PM | 0 comments

wenjie: Heehee yah!:DD i consulted the incredible murong! hahahha!:DD whoa it's damn good to be back. :DD

whee! i'm in the school's computer lab now! haha. will be going to eat sakae with the 38s later! haha! with the class guys as well. :)) whoa i realise we have never gone for a meal before leh. :((

i can't wait to eat! even though i'm so fat! haha.


6:37 PM | 0 comments

ARGH FINALLY!!!!! i finally managed to penetrate into my blog. turns out i can't post because of a wrong email i have been using to sign in. -.- SO MANY THINGS HAVE HAPPPENED IN THE PAST MONTH!

i didn't fail my piano exam. HAHA! i literally just passed. it's so crappy considering how much i have been practising. it's just that i was damn nervous during that godforsaken day.

i guess 2 of the saddest things that have happened to me so far are; 1. i have totally stopped contacting yj already, or rather, he has totally stopped contacting me. haiz. miss talking to him on the phone. 2. i will have no more trainings for the rest of my life. it has only been 2 weeks and i already miss ping pong like crazy!!!! >< argh. life is different without fun and focus. the satisfaction that you derive after a good, hard training is something that only passionate sportsmen are able to appreciate.

life is getting crazier, with studies and everything.

nicolat is in army. haha!:DD hope he would be able to make it through without dying. the name of his company is company. -.- haha!

i miss marcus! jasmine! tiara! and nicolat!:((
