11:38 PM |
hi all. :) im back again. just read the letter that mr yap sent to me for all of his 3 classes. it was heart-renching to read his letter. albeit simple, it contains a message straight form the heart. it has also made me realise how selfish students can be sometimes. we think that our results only concern us, but what we fail to realise is that it also affects the people around us. our parents, our friends and more importantly, our teachers.
our parents-when they realise that their children are about to repeat another year, though really sad and disappointed, they can't say anything much cos they know that their children will accuse them of being naggy. the real reason why they feel sad it's cos they find it a real pity that their children whom they believe to be the brightest in the world, have to waste a part of their life trying to redeem their mistakes.
our friends-when they realise that their classmates and friends are going to repeat another year, though really sad, have to put on a brave front to show to their friends that they will always be there for them. the real reason why they feel sad is cos they feel it's a real pity that they will be unable to graduate together.
our teachers-when they realise that their students are going to repeat another year, will feel devasted. cos it shows to them that they have not done enough for their students to motivate them to work hard enough, to realise that education is important. they feel that it's their fault when it clearly isn't.
see how much our selfishness is costing? always remember, whatever decisions whether long-term or short will always affect the people around you.
shit. what am i ponning school for?!
Labels: we.are.powerful.beyond.measure.